As always there was so much great stuff to take in, far more than I can easily recall, so here are some of the highlights for me:
- The amazing 10mm SF miniatures produced by Hawk Wargames for their forthcoming DropZone Commander game. Some of the finest quality miniatures I've ever seen.
- Curis's amusing "Avengers Assemble" cartoon on the Ninjabread stand
- Robin's amazing Gruntz tables, whose creation I've been following on his blog. There seemed to be a lot of 15mm SF games this year, featuring GZG, Old Crow, Brigade and many others, but Robin's tables stood out for me
- Finding a very cheap Warmachine battlebox and splitting it with a friend, so now I have another game to learn! Looking forward to painting my Khador battlegroup.
- some really nice (and surprisingly cheap) accessories and components from Anvil Industry, which would be very handy for someone wanting to create a pre-Heresy Space Marine army
- The completely batshit insane ApORKalypse game put on by the South London Wargames people
I didn't take many photos this year, but my esteemed colleague Steg took a bunch, and I've put my favourites below.