Apologies for the lack of posts recently. We are currently in the process of selling our house, which means I'm not allowed to get any of my hobby stuff out and make any sort of mess, in the off chance that we get a short-notice viewing.
So while I've been quiet on the hobby front, I haven't been entirely inactive. I've been working on a new website for No Man's Land, my local indie gaming store. As well as a static website (and a planned online store) I also set up a forum which, in the short time that it's been online, has become quite active, which is very pleasing.
I've also set up a Facebook page for In The Emperor's Name, and will be working on sharing ITEN related content on it, so if you play ITEN (or are just interested), go over to Facebook and like it.
Once we've accepted an offer on our house, I'll be able to decompress my hobby stuff and will probably be posting a bit more. See you then!