
While my hobby activities were in limbo waiting for the house move, I decided to take a sideways step into scale modelling. I'm pretty sure that I was building scale models (mainly Star Trek starships) before I got into wargaming, but I've been doing both for so long that I don't really have a clear memory.

I went into my local Modelzone during their closing down sale and picked up the model kit of the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica for less than twenty quid.

After assembling the main sub-assemblies, the model was sprayed with Army Painter Army Grey primer. After this, it was highlighted with several different shades of grey mixed with Army Painter Chainmail, starting out slightly lighter than the basecoat and getting progressively brighter.

Then, the armour panels were given a semi-drybrush with a lighter shade of grey (about 2/3 Coat d'Arms Mid Grey to 1/3 Slate Grey). I used Citadel Scab Red to paint the stripes, and then applied gloss varnish to the areas that would have decals.

Once the decals had been applied and sealed, I added battle damage using a brybrush to create scorch marks, and then applied a generous amount of Forgeworld Black Soot weathering powder to add texture to the model and soften the edges of the scorches. Then the weathering powder was sealed by spraying the entire model with Army Painter matt varnish.

The base was sprayed black and then drybrushed with Tin Bitz and Gunmetal.

More pictures below the fold.

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You can see in the picture above that I still need to paint the engine exhausts. I wanted to wait until I'd sealed the weathering powder to avoid contaminating the white that will be painted into the exhausts.
