Last night I thought it would be fun to lay out my entire Warhammer 40,0000 Salamanders army (at least, all of it that's painted). I did a quick tot-up and it turns out that I have over 4,000 points worth which is a lot more than I would have guessed!

Another nice surprise is how consistent the colour scheme is between the first model and the last, despite there being a six-year gap between them. My painting skills have definitely improved in that time but the old and new models both work perfectly well next to each other on the table.

I still need to paint (or finish painting):

  1. Two three-man Aggressor squads
  2. A five-man Sternguard Veteran squad
  3. A five-man Terminator squad
  4. A five-man Scout Sniper Squad
  5. A Librarian (converted from the model in the Deathwatch Overkill game)
  6. A ten-man Primaris Intercessor squad

I also have ten Mark III tactical Marines and ten Tartaros-pattern Terminators, but I am not sure if I am going to put those into my Salamanders or my Horus Heresy Word Bearers.

The rest of the pictures are below the fold.