A few (actually almost ten) years ago I posted some pictures of the Battlestar Galactica model kit. Not long after I posted that article, I picked up a Mk II Colonial Viper kit (originally produced by Moebius, now by Revell).

That model sat in my pile of shame for almost seven years, until I decided I needed a pallet cleanser towards the end of last year.

Completing this model was a pleasurable challenge: the model is not super-high quality and needed quite a bit of filling and sanding to put together. This is the first model that I've had to paint the interior cockpit for, seal up and mask, and then finish the exterior. The final step was to remove the masking on the canopy which was very satisfying!

After I'd applied the decals and finished painting, the model looked beautiful, but it's the weathering that makes a model like this really pop. I used a mix of weathering powders and sponge chipping to add an appropriately lived-in level of wear and tear.

More pictures below the fold!