My love affair with all things Primaris continues! Just like the Hellblasters and the Astraeus, the Redemptor Dreadnought is both an awesome model and also really easy and fun to paint: all the green parts were painted separately from the dreadnought's superstructure, so the whole process was relatively quick and easy (albeit spread out over several months since I no longer have a permanent hobby space).
The flames on the armour plates were painted using Duncan's technique for Salamanders flame heraldry, and I am very happy with how it's turned out! I may be going back to some of my older models and adding it to them (especially the shoulder pads on my tactical and assault marines).
The right arm weapon is magnetised so I can swap the plasma incinerator (which is the obvious choice when fielding Vulkan He'stan, since you get a re-roll to avoid the mortal wound on a roll of 1 when supercharging) with the gatling cannon, if appropriate.
More pictures below the fold.