Jodrell Plays Games

Thoughts on the painting of, and playing with, toy soldiers.

All posts in "horus-heresy"

The Bearers of the Word

Here is my Word Bearers army for The Horus Heresy, which was painted for me (based on my test model by Mick Clark of Bunyip Studios. Mick put an awful amount of work into painting this army and I am delighted by how well it's turned out.

More photos below the fold.

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Clearing the backlog #1 : Lorgar and the Bearers of the Word

I haven't posted much in the last year or so, because of two things: first, I have been getting less hobby time due to personal reasons which I won't bore you with, but also because it's so much easier to just throw a photo up on Twitter.

But I really should be posting stuff here more, so I thought I'd throw up a few posts with some of the highlights from the recent fallow period.

First up, here's Lorgar, who (as you might expect) is the leader of my Word Bearers army for The Horus Heresy:

Lorgar Aurelian, Primarch of the XVII Legion
Lorgar Aurelian, Primarch of the XVII Legion

My Word Bearers army is based on the models from the Betrayal at Calth box set, here is the test model that I painted:

Word Bearers tactical marine
Word Bearers tactical marine

After I assembled and base coated most of the army I made a decision to commission a local freelance painter to finish the army for me: when it's finished I will post pictures, but if you check out the Facebook page on that link you will see some Work-in-progress links.

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