Jodrell Plays Games

Thoughts on the painting of, and playing with, toy soldiers.

All posts in "warmachine"

Khador models assembled

Just a quick post to show off the Khador models from the Two Player Battle Box which have now been assembled and based. They're made from a plastic/resin "hybrid" which, it seems to me, has all the disadvantages of each and none of the benefits. But the models are still pretty great, and the above units work out to 30 points which is enough to learn to play with, and still leaves room to expand.

I've got some Army Painter red primer which will provide the base coat. On the 'jack on the left you can see a green stuff Khador emblem which I made using some rapid mold.

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I must admit that fantasy has never really done it for me. I loved David and Leigh Edding's Belgariad and Malloreon and the Sparhawk series, but I'd never really found fantasy all that satisfying. I grew up on Star Trek and Star Wars and they set the barrier for me.

So it's kind of unusual for me to take an interest in Warmachine, the "steampunk" fantasy game by Privateer Press. I've admired the miniatures and artwork for some time and finally picked up a boxed set of the rules and two battleforces (Khador and Menoth) at Salute, which I split with a friend - he took the Menoth models, and I took the Khador ones.

I've been reading the rules and am quite impressed by the no-nonsense approach - "play like you've got a pair!". I've just assembled one of the warjacks (apart from its head which is missing, and probably in the possession of my friend).

I trimmed the plugs on the legs so I could change the "standing to attention" pose, to make it more dynamic. The model is very flexible with lots of ball joints to allow for an infinitude of possible poses, and I'm looking forward to painting it. As Khador is a northern country (based on Russia) I'm going to try a snowy base for the first time. I may also have a go at press-moulding some Khador logos using some "instant mould."

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