The Kibri 6818 Goppingen Church, an N-gauge Model Railroad kit, is something of a mythical object among Epic gamers. It's now out of production, so it's rather hard to get hold of, but it makes for a perfect showcase terrain piece.
But if you want to use it to play Epic, it's a little plain. It needs grimdarking, with the judicial application of spikey bits:
Having just bought a bunch of Cityfight boxes to build some 40K terrain, I've quite quite a few leftover pieces, which I've used to add some character to the building.
I've finally started to make some progress on my modular city system. I've glued down the roads and junctions in an arrangement that will let me expand to another board if/when Scott starts S6 Engineering back up again (or I find someone who can make some custom pieces for me). I'm planning on using the Fortress Walls system from GameCraft Miniatures to add a defensible city wall along two edges. More details to follow.