The legion consists of four Warhounds, three Reavers, four Warlords and a repainted and refurbished Warmonger (which still needs a bit of attention as one of the Hydra turrets has lost a barrel).
with the exception of the arm weapons on the Warmonger, and the Carapace weapons on the Lucius-pattern Warlord, every single weapon is magnetised, meaning that I can customise the weapons load-out of each titan as I see fit. In addition to a lot of classic metal and plastic titan weapons, I've also included some of the weapons from the Defeat in Detail Cybershadows Leviathan models to proxy as various different weapons.
These titans are painted in the colours of Legio Crassus - a titan legion that was loyal to the Warmaster during the Horus Heresy. None of the titans show the corruption of Chaos - but that might change in the future! For now, they are just a Heresy-era traitor legion, and wear the Eye of Horus proudly over their metallic green armour.
More pics below.