I've been meaning to paint these for months, but only just got around to it. Nothing particularly special about the paint job: grey primer, Devlan Mud wash, then drybrushed with white.
From left to right, they are: a perky yet psychotic assassin (think Xenia Onatopp from GoldenEye, but blonde); a Gordon Freeman type special agent; a true-believing commissar in knee high boots, and a no-nonsense starship pilot.
The excellent Dropship Horizon blog recently posted some pictures of some fantastic 15mm SF characters from Khurasan Miniatures. You wouldn't know they're 15mm miniatures from looking at them - the detail is amazing! So I decided to buy a set to use as a command squad for my 15mm SF army.
The miniatures arrived yesterday, here they are after being superglued to penny coins (which make perfect, cheap bases for 15mm minis):
At £12 for 13 sprues (which would be enough to make several buildings like the one above, the Large Platform Builder box is great value. I will definitely be buying more!
I've just finished painting the 15mm scale ARC Fleet troopers from Critical Mass Games that I bought at Salute. Having previously finished a prototype model and paint scheme (that has since been modified from the one in the last post: the raised armour sections are now painted Bestial Brown before being given a wash of Devlan Mud), I scaled up my production line to finish off the remaining 24 soldiers (and one gun emplacement):
I also have some aerial drones and a 15mm Grav Sled from Ground Zero Games that I've just undercoated. They'll come in another post.
Like most of my paint jobs, I've optimised for speed: after being sprayed with white primer, I gave the entire model a coat of Citadel Rotting Flesh, with the armour plates painted in Camo Green, the weapon in Boltgun Metal, the visor in Brazen Brass, and the base in Horizon Paints brown (a line produced by Ral Partha and long since gone away). Then the entire model was given a wash of Devlan Mud (which I seem to use on just about everything nowadays). Then I finished up with some static grass on the base.
One down, 25 more (plus one artillery piece, a vehicle and some GZG drones) to go! I will post updates as I go.