Jodrell Plays Games

Thoughts on the painting of, and playing with, toy soldiers.

All posts in "adeptus-titanicus"

Legions Imperialis/Adeptus Titanicus Warhound Titan

I already have some Acastus and Cerastus knights to support my Word Bearers, and a Reaver and a Warlord to use in larger games, but you can’t beat a pair of Warhounds for flexibility and threat value against enemy units of any size.

This has been in my pile of shame for some time, but the momentum that helped me get the first wave of Word Bearers units finished also motivated me to get this finished.

Obviously this chap has a companion which is should be finished soon (I will probably sell the Warhounds that came in the LI box). I also have another Reaver, some more Cerastus knights, and some Questoris knights that will round out the strategic assets that’ll be available to support my Astartes army.


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Adeptus Titanicus Acastus Porphyrion Knights of House Malinax

This is the second unit of knights for House Malinax - and, for a change, they've been painted by me!

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Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Knights of House Malinax

Here are the first Knights I've painted for Adeptus Titanicus. I chose House Malinax based purely on how easy they would be to paint - as it happens, the colour scheme wasn't all that easy (as you will now if you've ever tried to paint Wraithbone over black) but I'm still happy with the result.

More photos below the fold.

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Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan

Here's a Reaver titan to go with the Warlord titan I finished late last year. Definitely much easier to paint! I managed to slightly mis-position the feet and toes, meaning that the armour plates on the leg are a bit wonky, but thankfully it's not too noticeable. I won't make that mistake again!

I'm now working on some Cerastus and Acastus knights. Rather than going for a homebrew House I'm going to paint them as House Malinax.

More pictures below the fold.

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Mars-Pattern Warlord Titan of Legio Crassus

After more than a year, this massive model is finally finished! Now he's done I'm looking forward to moving on to painting some Reavers, Warhounds and knights for Adeptus Titanicus.

More pictures below the fold.

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A Brief History of Imperial Knights

Hmmmm so this is the big boy for a new Imperial Guard release? Color me interested...

— Kevin (@d6_hobbyist) February 13, 2014

It looks like Knights are about to return to Warhammer 40,000 in 28mm scale. Before they become the new hotness, I thought it might be fun to run through their history.

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Epic Battle Report: The Author (et al) vs Dan Abnett

As (possibly) previously mentioned, my home town is lucky enough to have (a) a great independent wargames store, and (b) a High Lord of Terra and New York Times bestelling author, who is also the unofficial patron the aforementioned store.

Last weekend, No Mans Land had a grand re-opening in its new location in a swanky shopping arcade, and Dan came along to sign books, answer questions from the gathered throng, and throw some dice and push some models around a table.

2013-02-23 21.07.22

Dan played two games of Epic - one versus me, and then another (which I GMd) against Darren (also known as The Burning Beard), another store regular, using the NetEpic rules, slightly modified to suit small Adeptus Titanicus games.

In the first game, we took one Warlord, Reaver and Warhound each and squared up against each other. I was able to knock out his Reaver in the first turn. My Warhound survived a strafe from his Warlord and ended up in close combat with the Dan's Warhound. Meanwhile, our Warlords went toe-to-toe with almost identical loadouts: my titan had twin Gatling Blasters, A Quake Cannon and a Volcano Cannon, Dan's had twin Gatling Blasters and twin Volcano Cannon. Dan's only mistake was moving his titan when could have stood still; that meant that I could open up on him in First Fire before he could hit me (he'd won initiative). My Gatlings and Quake Cannon stripped his remaining shields, and the Volcano Cannon dealt the final blow.

For his second game, Dan wanted to do something a bit different, and decided that he wanted to take out my Imperator, Machinator Formidabilis ("Fearsome Engine" in Low Gothic), against a pack of four Warlords, commanded by Darren.

The game began, and the Imperator stood and watched (and saved up plasma in its reactor) as the Warlords approached.

But calamity! In a well co-ordinated (and unexpected) surprise attack, all four Warlords pounced at once, stripping the Imperator's shields and starting to do damage! First a gun tower was knocked out, then a sensorium. Just when it seemed that the Machinator was going to survive the turn without any serious damage, a deflected shot took out the coupling on the left arm, and the mighty Plasma Annihilator came crashing to the ground!

With Machinator's most deadly weapon wrecked, and surrounded on all sides, there was little that Dan could do as the Warlords moved in for the kill. One of the Warlords was reduced to slag by the defence laser, but in the same turn, a shot from the rear penetrated the plasma reactor, and KABOOM! For the first time in twenty years of combat, my beloved Machinator Formidabilis was destroyed in a mighty conflagration.

Despite the ignominious defeat of an ancient and noble God-engine, great fun was had by all, and No Mans Land had a fitting and enjoyable (if rather chilly) re-opening.

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